Sunday, December 24, 2006

Joyeux Noel

To all my readers, let me take this opportunity to wish you all a happy, safe and joyous holiday.

Needless to say, the posts may trail off a little over the next few days.......

Photo by hodge.

1 comment:

Joseph-Dolores Poliakon said...

Karl --- Merry Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka and Feliz Navidade BAKATCHA! The photo looks like it is one taken of my north-of-the-border Green Picnic Table Roadside Rest-Stop in Holiday Trim. Recall that, as a spin-off of responding to your White Noise blog back in August, I went and set up a virtual Roadside Rest-Stop in Canadian-Canadien climes and located it off the Trans Canada Highway just nanometres away from your nominal 51° 05'N, 114° 05'W GEOPOSIT.

FYI: NORAD Santa Tracker ---